Welcome to 2021 everyone. Hopefully it can be a little better than last year. E-commerce had a stellar year in 2020 and we expect it to continue that way into this one. There’s a new report available in Google Search Console and we’ve discovered a couple of major issues with two e-commerce platforms. How will […]
Time to reflect on what will hopefully be the craziest year any of us will have to face. One of the predictions was that ad costs would rise due to COVID, but out experience has been different. We prefer to do all tasks under one roof as different site elements can affect the others. As […]
It was a massive Black Friday for our retailers and for most of the industry in general if the media is to be believed. I did notice a shift in search volume this year though; not as many queries directed at “What is Black Friday?” and the like. I have a couple of theories on […]
Last year’s Black Friday sales surpassed Boxing Day in Australia for the first time in history. With our forced shift to eCommerce due to COVID in 2020 can this year be even bigger? It’s been mixed results for most of the big brands, but Amazon certainly isn’t dominating like many predicted. If your store is […]
Not so much of a digital marketing theme this week folks, rather I wanted to touch on my strong belief in free speech, and particularly Internet free speech. I’ve been an advocate for many years and recent events conducted by some of the tech giants have me worried. They are wielding power like I hoped […]
Christmas is coming and the goose may be getting fat, but we’re not looking like getting out of lockdown anytime soon! There’s been enormous strain on the mail delivery system these past few months as more and more of us shift to buying online. That doesn’t bode well for Christmas deliveries, so the advice is […]
A recent new client scrum we did really enforced how much we’ve changed as a business since focusing on revenue for clients. Where in the past I would have been pushing for certain “tech-tasks” I found myself admitting that the fix wouldn’t affect revenue as much as many of the other issues we identified. If […]
Still counting down the days to getting out of Stage Four. We get asked if we still do SEO. Yes, we do. It underpins many of our daily tasks. But what we do differently is place revenue as our number one client target and work back from there. As a site owner you need a […]
Still in Stage Four but a little more light at the end of the tunnel for Melbourne. Thanks to all that attended the webinar recently; I had some great feedback. One common question from it was how to check your brand. Google Trends is your friend on this one, and it is also a great […]
Two days until I host our Spring Clean webinar. I’ve been receiving lots of comments recently regarding how bad some eCommerce sites are. People are being forced to shop online and the lack of quality on some sites is starting to draw attention. I’ll be covering the simple changes you can make to your own […]