SEO Blog

As promised I have uploaded the interview with David Meerman Scott. It is around 26 minutes long and I have put it on YouTube as a video for easy access, even though David is only on the phone . If you’d prefer you can download the MP3 audio file David Meerman Scott Audio Interview. I […]

Or watch on YouTube, Metacafe, DailyMotion Our shiny new site has been live for a few weeks now and I thought you might be interested in the sorts of things I’m watching and checking. If you’ve ever moved from an old site to a new one and seen your rankings disappear this will be of […]

Does this site make my bum look big? I hope not because a lot of work has gone into it. We finally upgraded to a WordPress site! I built our old site 6 years ago.Originally I built it on a CMS called Mambo which morphed/forked into Joomla and it went through about 20 upgrades as […]

Danielle from the Yellow Pages just commented on my post about how Yellow Pages has become a Google reseller. I was bitching & moaning about not being able to stop yellow pages delivery except via the phone. Thankfully Sensis now has a web site where you can stop yellow pages delivery called Well done […]

An article in B & T this week announces the final capitulation of Yellow Pages as Sensis becomes an authorised reseller of Google Adwords. They were already selling Adwords campaigns but the step to becoming an authorised reseller puts the nail in the coffin for the paper directories. Do you advertise in Yellow Pages? Either […]

There’s been a lot of talk about Google been busted since they merged places with normal search. Neil Shearing’s blog provides some excellent analysis on the recent changes. Today I show you yet another product around local search and why you should get family, friends & customers to go and rate you. One of the […]

My heart goes out to everyone affected by the floods in QLD. Today I highlight some of the resources that have sprung up in the last few hours and where you can help. There seem to be new ones every few minutes including this one which is a Google maps mashup Also how people […]

Hope you had a great break. Australian retailers are still whingeing that online retailers have some sort of advantage because they are avoiding the GST. It’s simply not true and the data shows that. The problem is with dollar parity there is a yawning gap between AU offline prices and online. It’s a lot more […]

I’m often surprised how keyword selection ends up being the poor cousin of an SEO campaign. A case in point this week was the AU Fed Govt launching a site to help get businesses online. They had a comprehensive section on SEO and whilst you could excuse them for not having any information on Google […]

This is the last vlog for 2010. This week I take a look at why retail is having a very bad year in Australia and why online is thriving. Also David Meerman Scott Australian dates are announced and Vint Cerf one of the founders of the Internet (it wasn’t Al Gore) wants your help JimJim’s […]

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