SEO Blog

At the moment I am ranking no.1 for “US election videos” so I thought I would list the most popular ones here for people looking for them. I’ll get back to the Australian Federal Election soon 🙂 Ok so the absolute stand out winner of US election videos is.. drum roll please… Republican candidate Ron […]

I am starting to get hits on US Election videos so I thought I would add to my weird findings below. I intend to have a similar analysis complete on Aussie candidates next week. The Australian politicians have pretty much buggered up their online campaigns. Here is what I find fascinating as described in my […]

NineMSN Federal Election We are now no.1 in NineMSN for "Australian Federal Election 2007". This took less than a week. Makes you think doesn't it? Where are the political parties search marketers? Non-existent it would seem. Yet they spend all their time mucking about on facebook and myspace. Swinging voters use JimJim’s been here for […]

We now rank 11 & 12 in Google for Australian Federal Election 2007 This has taken about 36 hours to accomplish with three articles. Also the cartoonist web site, “101 things to do with John Howard” has moved up to no.5 from no.6 position after I linked to the site. We are not yetranking in […]

In case you got here by accident I am going to rank for Aust Federal election phrases and then teach visitors to my site how they can also get their message heard. People always want to know how to get seen in Google. Well a federal election is a perfect time to learn if you […]

I was working on a site recently and it should have been relatively easy to get it ranking in the top five results in Google for its main key phrases. Unfortunately the client had multiple domain names all sharing the same Web pages. This meant that Google would see the same content across multiple Web […]

Sorry I have been missing for a few months. Our recent SEO campaigns have been so successful it meant we had to move into larger offices and now we are in the process of putting on more staff. More seo video tips to follow soon, however I wanted to alert you to a new action […]

This program is guaranteed to get you on the first page of Google. So what is it we do? We look at the copy on your webpages and rewrite it if necessary. We analyse your site and make structural changes if necessary We look at the copy on your webpages and rewrite it if necessary. […]

I was watching Foxtel last night and I was amazed to see them played in their interactive ads.It seems that the advertising industry has latched on to interactive advertising via pay TV as the next big thing.For my part I think they are completely useless, unless someone else out there has the data to the […]

When people talked about online marketing, they can mean very different things.For instance the most powerful form of on line in marketing in my opinion it is search marketing.It of course depends on your product or service that by and large search marketing works better than most forums of online marketing. Search marketing encompasses both […]

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