SEO Google Recommend

by Jim April 8, 2008

Google make recommendations about SEOs at, below are the basics and where we stand with that.

Basic Idea Google Say Stew Art Media P/L say

Be wary of SEO firms and web consultants or agencies that send you email out of the blue.

You’ll need to subscribe to get an email from us.


No one can guarantee a #1 ranking on Google.

If we can’t guarantee that we’ll at least get you to page one, we wont take on the job.


Be careful if a company is secretive or won’t clearly explain what they intend to do.

We won’t just hand you all our tools but we will definitely give you a clear picture of what we do to get the results.


You should never have to link to an SEO.

You should never have to link to an SEO.

Rank Check

Some SEOs may try to sell you the ability to type keywords directly into the browser address bar.

We send you a weekly report and advise you to use Google regular search box to check results.


Choose wisely.

Choose us 🙂

FEE Usage

Be sure to understand where the money goes.

We place the backlinks, we scrutinise your site, applying edits or advising as necessary, we scrutinise all aspects of your organic ranking campaign – the fees stay with us.

Check things

Talk to many SEOs, and ask other SEOs if they’d recommend the firm you’re considering.

We will only recommend ourselves and expect the same of other SEO companies – what do clients say? We think that is much more relevant.


Make sure you’re protected legally.

Make sure you’re protected legally. We have clear contracts that explain exactly what you will get for your money.

Shadow Domains

One common scam is the creation of “shadow” domains that funnel users to a site by using deceptive redirects.

We prefer it if you have just one domain and we can help you make it look smart if you have more than one, last thing we’ll do is make more of them!

Doorway pages

Another illicit practice is to place “doorway” pages loaded with keywords on the client’s site somewhere. The SEO promises this will make the page more relevant for more queries. This is inherently false…

We advise against just linking willy-nilly to other sites, such a Doorway page is harmful and it doesn’t do anything we want. Above all else we adhere to the Google Terms of Service.

Stew Art Media P/L – SEO Google should recommend.

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