SEO Blog

Sometimes you can be so close to your website that you don’t see flaws. That was the case this week when I was speaking to someone who swore they had search on mobile. It was in the hamburger menu. That means you have to search for search. See the problem? Little frustrations will see customers […]

Facebook crashed hard yesterday and it got me thinking about how many businesses out there rely on them for advertising. While it’s always been a great platform to build a large community for your products, that isn’t likely for most people. Facebook isn’t geared to direct people off their platform and on to your website, […]

Decent earthquake in Melbourne last week, which led me to taking the opportunity to investigate searches using Google Trends. You can discover the relative volume between phrases and even related queries. Google understands related phrases which show the importance of understanding search intent with your potential customers. Earthquakes are scary! Use Google Trends to track […]

Mobile revenue has been the big winner since switching our client example from last week to Cloudflare. Traffic dropped in areas and that’s where you’ve got to be careful when judging ECR. Don’t get caught up trying to juggle conversion rates from different areas. Instead, focus on fixing what’s wrong with your site as a […]

The right CDN (Content Distribution Network) can have a huge impact on your eCommerce business. I have always favoured Cloudflare and for good reason. I’ve always encouraged you to increase your site speed, and Cloudflare offers it in spades. A faster site means more Google crawls, which in turn means your site is fresher and […]

Believe it or not, searches for “Christmas” are surging on Google Trends. Not a surprise as it was the same around this time last year. What it means is that there’s no better time than right now to prepare your business for an online onslaught of shoppers. Use the amazing data inside Google Trends, learn […]

What do you think really drives shopping cart abandonment? There was a great article recently in Power Retailers that confirmed lots of the finding we pick up during our mystery shops for clients. Cost, speed, and special offers can all be contributing factors, but at the end of the day there was one overriding rule; […]

Sorry I’ve been missing for so long but not only have I been really busy, but we’ve had a couple of staff changes in the office. Last year we covered the enormous success of gift delivery during lockdowns, and I’m pleased to report nothing has changed. If your eCommerce business is suited to gift delivery […]

The free webinar is fast approaching, this Thursday the 1st at 11am, so don’t miss your chance to secure a spot. I’ll be going over why if you’re an eCommerce business you shouldn’t be wasting any more time or money on “old school” SEO. We’ve evolved SEO into focussing on the shopper, and it’ll put […]

We’re gearing up for our FREE webinar next week, Thursday 1st July at 11am. Make sure you book your spot early as places are limited. I’ll be talking about how you could be making more money from your eCommerce store by abandoning old school SEO in exchange for a new Shopping Experience Optimisation that focuses […]

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