Seems a simple question right? People who have been around SEO for a while know that this is one of the main things that made Google a far superior search engine to the others that were around at the time like Altavista. The genius of the backlink in the Google algorithm was that it was […]
I wrote an article a week ago about the phrase SEO Melbourne. I was musing at how Google could put one page above another. It’s just an algorithm after all. Well one of the results that was number one for months has disappeared. Not in the top 50. This happened overnight. In the meantime we […]
Yesterday I wrote a post about a new podcast I’m involved with called Beers, Blokes & Business. I used the post in today’s video as an example of how to simply setup Authorship and get a post ranked really quickly. Well it took over 7 minutes in this case, which I think is a little […]
I was asked a few months back to take part in a new podcast called Beers Blokes & Business. It is the Beer child of Sean Callanan aka @sportsgeek. The basic premise of the show is a bunch of blokes talking business while sampling some fine amber ale. I’ve only contributed to a few episodes […]
Amazing that you get so many hits on (not provided) huh? Back in 2011 Google stopped providing the search phrases from users that were logged into Google and in a secure https session. Last week they announced that they are extending that “security” to pretty much everyone… unless you’re an advertiser. The reason for this […]
Back in 2005 I got to no.1 for the phrase “SEO Melbourne”. It’s a pretty tough phrase as you can imagine. Since then we have stayed on page 1 but the last several months we have been below the fold. I’m fairly sure we’re the only company since 2005 that has remained on page 1 […]
In last week’s post I discussed how I’m putting together an online SEO Course. One of the elements I mentioned was looking at webmaster tools and the index. Today I take a look at a FMCG brand’s webmaster tools and the Google index. It’s clear that I’m the only one looking at it. Their online […]
UPDATE: We’ve finally kickstarted our online SEO course, check out the details here. I just got back from the Gold Coast having attended the @problogger conference. I was delivering a session on SEO for bloggers. Specifically how to do SEO for wordpress. I was asked many times if I ran SEO courses or if I […]
This is my first year at the PBEVENT and I’m giving an SEO Presentation, naturally. I’ve known @problogger for about 10 years and have always been a big fan of his work so I was delighted to be asked to present. On the flight up to the PBEvent every second passenger seemed to be going. […]
As you know, when Google begins to bang on about something it is a good idea to pay attention. Usually if they spend time trying to get people to take note of a concept or idea they are implementing it into their algorithm. Now they are ramping up around authorship. Here are a few things […]