SEO Blog

Below is a response from Liberal Senator Julian McGauran to my question on whether the Libs would block the Internet filter legislation in the Senate. Dear Mr Stewart I wish to acknowledge your email of 10 March 2010 regarding internet filtering. Thank you for bringing your views to my attention. Rest assured I will raise […]

Are you Google analytics qualified? Or do you think the piece of paper is load of crap and can prove you’re better. Do you eat custom profiles and advanced segments for breakfast? Were you secretly ogling at pivot tables, conversion funnels and exit pages while your colleagues are sharing susan boyle youtube videos Does Internet marketing hype piss you off? […]

Have you heard of PubSubHubub? Well you’ll soon feel the effects of it in your searches and your rankings. It is a new realtime publishing protocol that Google is working on to index the web. This is a major game changer. Eh? I hear you say… basically content publishing is going real time. Do you […]

Still haven’t had my first email to Mark Dreyfus responded to yet but here is a follow up question which I will be sending today. Hi Mark, Still waiting to hear back from you on my technical question regarding your Government’s proposed ISP mandatory filter. I’m getting a lot of friends and family asking how […]

Speed is becoming a major issue as is hosting reliability when it comes to good google rankings. One of our clients got a massive boost in their rankings this week when we changed their hosting company. Today I have a look at a couple of ways you can check if your hosting company is adversely […]

Well there isn’t one yet. However we now appear 8th for Mark Dreyfus. If you could link to this page /myblog/mark-dreyfus/ with the anchor text Mark Dreyfus that may help speed up his response 🙂 JimJim’s been here for a while, you know who he is.

Has your Google local business listing been hacked or is it just busted? A florist received 100 hours of community service last week for hijacking someone’s listing. Ranking is easy. Ranking for the right phrases is the hard bit. I answer a viewer question about keyword analysis. The Social Media/emerging technologies conference of the year […]

The Australian Government just got a lot more opposition to its mandatory online censorship plans. The Librarians are angry. What are tag clouds & how can they help your SEO? Also this week, great SEO quiz by Google with all the answers provided. JimJim’s been here for a while, you know who he is.

My email to local member Mark Dreyfus on the Madatory ISP level filter the AU Govt is bringing in. Hi Mark, As you know I have made my opposition clear to the Govt Mandatory ISP level filter on TV, Radio & directly to your office and in person. I would like to know what will […]

Are you still worried about Page Rank? Don’t be. This week I explain why. Got wwws? Do you really need them? What is best practice with subdomains? Senator Conroy now wants to protect you from YouTube. Apparently he met with Google to discuss. So this week I continue my series on how to get […]

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