Google is now rolling out site speed into their algorithm as a ranking factor. I’m not one to say I told you so… well actually I am. I told you so. Rupert Murdoch whines about the market correction his industry is going through… again Are you seeing wikipedia results in pages from your country? Annoying […]
I spoke at the ConnectNow conference in Sydney yesterday & got myself into trouble again oops. I probably shouldn’t have told an audience of social media gurus that social media is not the answer to all your marketing needs. A lot of social media experts have been prematurely announcing the death of SEO They claim […]
This week I take a look at a viewers site and what they can do to improve their rankings. We finally launched our Facebook fan page. We’re using it so you can post SEO questions & get SEO help from our staff. We’re giving away a free website analysis this week to the most pathetic, […] was reported this week as being hacked and blocked by Google. Today I show you a couple of simple things you can do to minimise the chances of this sort of attack and if your site does get hit, how you can revive your rankings. Google has temporarily redirected to it’s Hong Kong […]
This morning I got a spam email from Hewlett Packard Australia. I define it as spam because it was sent to an email address created purely for a directory entry. The only way to even know this email address existed, was to have harvested it from a web page. Back in the late 90s a […]
Matt Cutts, who heads up Google’s webspam team, was interviewed yesterday & he revealed some very interesting things about the way the GoogleBot behaves. If you’ve been wondering why your site is still not ranking this article may reveal why. We’re hiring again! As you know we’re a complete bunch of rankers, however we now […]
I was asked a question about payroll software yesterday. It is a good excercise in keyword research. For instance, the two most popular brands for small business bookkeeping in Australia are MYOB & Quicken. As you can see Payroll software comes no where near the same level of popularity. So the people looking for payroll […]
Below is a response from Liberal Senator Julian McGauran to my question on whether the Libs would block the Internet filter legislation in the Senate. Dear Mr Stewart I wish to acknowledge your email of 10 March 2010 regarding internet filtering. Thank you for bringing your views to my attention. Rest assured I will raise […]
Are you Google analytics qualified? Or do you think the piece of paper is load of crap and can prove you’re better. Do you eat custom profiles and advanced segments for breakfast? Were you secretly ogling at pivot tables, conversion funnels and exit pages while your colleagues are sharing susan boyle youtube videos Does Internet marketing hype piss you off? […]
Have you heard of PubSubHubub? Well you’ll soon feel the effects of it in your searches and your rankings. It is a new realtime publishing protocol that Google is working on to index the web. This is a major game changer. Eh? I hear you say… basically content publishing is going real time. Do you […]