SEO Blog

I had the pleasure of interviewing Dixon Jones this week from Majestic. Majestic is a leading link-mapping tool that you can use to glean information to get ahead of the competition. They are launching a new product and I was lucky enough to get a sneak peek at its features. What I learned Majestic have […]

I had a fantastic chat this week with Dixon Jones at Majestic where we discussed entity search and why there is a bias in Google’s knowledge graph. While this is fantastic for those trying to sell people things, it doesn’t bode well for those seeking answers to research. What I learned What is entity search? […]

It’s an old debate, but one that has reared its head once more recently; that of paying for your own brand traffic. Many people don’t see the point of throwing more money at Google when they already do it to try to rank organically, but here’s why you should consider it. What I learned Should […]

Featured answers on Google used to be beneficial for teasing part of the answer, but leaving enough unanswered to entice a reader on to your site. Now Google is scraping the required information, negating the need for a visitor to go to your site. That’s not good, so what should you be doing? What I […]

We love a great uptick in revenue as much as the next person, but it’s important that you understand where that increase has come from. Certain categories experience greater conversion rates than others, especially if you sell fast moving consumer goods, but there’s often more traffic than you realise. What I learned Do you know […]

Our battle plan for when a new client comes on board can be affected by a variety of factors when it comes to seeing the results of changes. From access to the site, or client speed of response, to how customers perceive user experience changes can all have an effect. Time really is money when […]

Taking a look at a long-term client that has recently switched to the revenue model. We told her that our target would be to double her revenue over the course of the following month. I’m pleased to say we achieved that target, mainly by focusing on mobile transactions. What I learned Is it time to […]

What’s your time worth? I know what mine’s worth which is why I get frustrated when I waste countless hours trawling through Google Analytics data trying to find the source of anomalies. You can waste precious time on pointless Google issues that should be spent growing your business, which is why I say, “Get stuffed […]

Coming to you from Portugal again this week. A lot of people asked me what they should prioritise when we caught up at SEMrush, and I explained that from our perspective, working mainly with retailers, we aim to get an uptick in revenue as fast as possible. There are proven ways to do this, and […]

Coming to you from Portugal this week as I wrap up attending the SEMrush Summer Jam in Lisbon. It has once again been an awesome experience, and not just for the incredible company and hospitality, but for the fact that SEMrush has the best SEO and search tools in the business and are willing to […]

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