I’ve discussed our approach to social media marketing & why we think it so important. In response to a tweet by Chris Brogan I also illustrated why I felt SEO was more important than ever and how SEO & Social Media work together.
Has anyone ever said to you, "I think I just googled…" or "Just do a search for…" ? They say it to me all the time. Maybe that’s just a reflection of the company I keep.
How good is your memory? Can you remember this URL? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lp0IWv8QZY It’s the Susan Boyle video. Why should I walk back to my desk and copy and paste & send you that link when you can just Google her name? Or how about "Saw a funny video on Youtube the other night, I think I was searching for…." ? Whilst I spend far too much time online I often say those things to people in the real world. I talk to people I meet all the time, (most of them don’t appreciate it). There was a bloke at Sydney Airport last night who I overheard say to a mate "Nah can’t download music on my Mac there not much software around for them being a Mac" . I just told him to Google Cabos or opensource mac. There’s a heap of stuff.
That is why SEO is more important than ever. We are connecting more, we’re sharing more & search is the gateway to new discoveries.
The more you are involved in Social Media the more opportunities you have of others connecting with you via the replacement of the Yellow Pages. The Search Engine.
Jim’s been here for a while, you know who he is.