SEO Blog

I review a site this week and do a 10 minute tutorial on SEO.I look at both internal and external elements of good SEO. Internal SEO Some people also also refer to this as “on page SEO” but when I talk about “internal SEO” it also cover things like internal link structure of a site […]

What does this mean for your bookmarks? Well hopefully they’ll start to get indexed better. From the press release “Delicious will become part of their new Internet company, AVOS” If you don’t know was the first site where you could essentially make your browser bookmarks public and see what others were bookmarking. One of […]

There are a lot of things that Google will freely tell you about your website. With a combination of Google Analytics and Google Webmaster tools there isn’t much more that you’d want to know… except one thing. Probably one of the most important things when it comes to getting a page ranked in Google. Has […]

I started writing a ‘short’ landing page about the business case for SEO. Turned out not to be so short 🙂 Anyway if you are a business owner and are new to SEO you may find some of the case studies useful. It’s a thousand word essay that discusses the things you need to consider […]

Dead alien in Russia video @ricraftis asked us on our Facebook page whether we had seen a less videos appear in the SERPS recently. We have. Have you? I’ve seen quite a few reports claiming that this is because Google thinks they detract from you clicking on the ads, which I think is nonsense. So […]

I was pointed to a video by Box Hill Tafe on Social Media by one of our staff today. There is no doubt It’s a great video infographic. If you’ve been around in the space for a little while though you maybe reminded of a similar video produced in 2009 by Socialnomics09 that I embedded […]

It was great to catch up with David Meerman Scott last week and hear what he has to say about Real Time Marketing, which co-incidentally is the title of his latest book 🙂 A great read or listen, if like me you have more time for audio books than you do the written word. David […]

We had our first wintery cold night in Melbourne for 2011 last night, so at my place we had our first open fire of the season. This is where the print media has it over digital. An iPad makes a terrible firelighter. The Age Newspaper and the Yellow Pages on the other hand are excellent. […]

One of the examples David Meerman Scott uses for the New rules of marketing & PR, is that of Dr. Helaine Smith a cosmetic dentist based in Boston. She created an ebook called “Healthy Mouth, Healthy Sex!”, which got downloaded thousands of times and generated lots of backlinks, media appearances and subsequently a lot of […]

This week I review and why it can’t be found in “Pages from Australia” . is the recently launched Myer online retail site that has been a reaction to apparently low 2010 Christmas retail sales as Australians flocked online to take advantage of the strong AUD. The site really suffers from a lack […]

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