SEO Blog

This is my 9th year of creating SEO Videos in Melbourne. Back in 2005 having great SEO on your site and getting backlinks from a bunch of directories was enough. What changed in about 2007 – 2009 was that the backlinks had to have some quality about them. Sure you could get thousands of crappy […]

You saw the big yellow geek wet dream right? The life size lego car that is powered by air? It was launched in Melbourne on the 18th of December last year and I uploaded a video on the 20th outlining my limited involvement in the project. Since then the video has been seen by 3.8 […]

If you haven’t seen this video yet you should… it’s what this blog post is about. On March 5 2012, @sammartino said to me “Give me $500, you’ll never get it back, I might give you a backlink but that’s it. This thing is going to be awesome.” I remember the night he asked because […]

If you’ve been following this blog for a little while you know I babble on about the importance of site speed. Nearly four years ago Google made page load times a part of their algorithm. They had been hinting for about a year that they would make the change. The logic for adding speed as a […]

Hope you’ve had a good week. It’s been a cold Melbourne summer so far down here. This week I asked on Twitter who wants an SEO review of their site and was inundated with requests. Maybe it was the Free SEO hashtag 🙂 I’ve ended up reviewing four sites for SEO and they all had […]

I was talking with a few other SEO blokes at a conference last year. One of them who will remain nameless but whom I respect, asked “Come on, who here can honestly say they have never bought a backlink?” . I was able to say “me”. I don’t mention this from a holier than thou […]

I’m writing this post for a presentation I’m giving at a networking event for Hard Edge Media. As a marketers networking event apparently it goes off! Actually I have no idea as it is the first one I have been to but I have heard good things about it. Here is what Andrew Hardwick of […]

Google works perfectly now right? After the menagerie of black & white animal updates over the last two years, Google has now got it right, right? Even some long time SEOs are quitting the game because they say Google’s algorithm is working so well there is no longer a need for their services. What a […]

Matt Cutts Senior Spam Engineer at Google, this week posted a video about duplicate meta descriptions. We see a lot of sites with duplicate meta descriptions and usually they are a sign of a much bigger problem of duplicate content or content getting crawled at addresses it shouldn’t be. If you have lots of duplicate […]

I see SEO Companies keep talking about the “new SEO” methods. What they really mean it’s less easy to game the algorithm now and you have to think about things like content on your site. Revolutionary huh? It’s only what Google has been saying for about the last 10 years. The “new SEO” is the […]

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