I was a judge this year again for the SmartCompany web awards in the search category. It was a very strong field this year, with a very diverse group of sites. I immediately disqualified one as when I went to look at it, it was down. For the others I put together a score sheet […]
I caught up with Darren Rowse (@problogger) last week for a recording of Beers Blokes & Business. I’ve always admired the way Darren goes about his work. Diligent, process driven but always very generous with his time and information. For a bloke that is generating 5 million plus page views a month, that is pretty […]
I haven’t done one of these posts for a while and the SEO mistakes do change over time. Some of them will be familiar but there are some new ones here as well. Buying Backlinks – You’d be surprised how common this still is. It used to be the cheap and cheerful way to do […]
Google have not come out and specifically said your site will rank higher in mobile if it is optimised for mobile but they may as well have. It the last 6 weeks there has been a flurry of activity around mobile search results which usually means a ranking signal change is on it’s way. Smartphone […]
Last week I brought you a story about a Melbourne retailer who’s SEO got clobbered. I soon worked out that the story was much bigger than I first thought and did a follow up the next day specifically about Ugg Australia. So far I have found over million web pages in the .com.au space that […]
Since yesterday’s blog and video I’ve been doing some more digging on the problem. Here are the searches so far that will reveal sites compromised and copying someone else’s site. inurl:wikihow1.asp inurl:ugg.asp You can add numbered variants on this and you will get even more results. So inurl:ugg6.asp gives results showing the problem. Just using inurl:ugg.asp shows […]
Out of the blue the other night, an SEO mate contacted me and said he had a good story. I’ve known Chris for years, formerly of Melbourne now in Hong Kong. Chris told me about his Melbourne mate who retailed Ugg boots. It turned out that when you Googled his brand his site had disappeared […]
I noticed yesterday when I was about to record the video that we had the first three spots in Google for the phrase “welcome back Rankers” but prior to publishing this post only one article targeting the key phrase. We also had an image being shown from the post. The other two spots were our […]
So yesterday I learned something about Melbourne. It turns out I don’t talk about it enough. I was finishing up my SEO webinar from here in Melbourne and I went and had a look at our content keywords in Google webmaster tools. Turns out the significance of the word Melbourne across our site has dropped […]
In about 40 minutes I’m about to do my first live webinar in 10 or 12 years. I first started doing live webcasts as we used to call them, back in 1997. It’s a lot easier now let me assure you! As this is an SEO webinar I thought I’d write a post and try […]