SEO Blog

UPDATE: Video transcript available for ‘2 SEO Elements To Check Weekly’. Check Your Rankings When I got back from holidays, one of the sites I had been working on for our BloggersSEO product had dropped like a rock for one of it’s phrases. For our normal clients the rankings get checked daily but this site […]

UPDATE: Video transcript available for ‘SEO Not Included’. It’s good to be back! I couldn’t do a show last week as I was recovering from a nasty flu in San Francisco. Back on the 20th though I was attending the Think Global Retail conference in Las Vegas. I did quite a few SEO site reviews […]

UPDATE: Video transcript available for ‘How I Built A Successful YouTube Channel – Russ Gries’. Finally caught up with a bloke today that I’ve known for years but I we have never met in person. I consider this guy a genius but he would probably cringe at that. In the alternate energy world this guy […]

UPDATE: Video transcript available for ‘A Buyer Persona Most Neglected’. I did the show live from Hawaii yesterday. We hit over 200 people in the live audience across Meerkat, Periscope and the web. We had a discussion before I started recording about what to cover. The subject came up about backlinks.. groan. Don’t get me […]

UPDATE: Video transcript available for ‘Has your SEO been done by a monkey with a hammer?’. I look at a lot of websites over the course of a week. Usually all of them have had some “SEO” done on them in the past and a lot of money spent. Occasionally you’ll look at the SEO […]

It was a lot of fun last week when I did the weekly show live as promised on Periscope, Twitter’s live video streaming platform.  I had just under 100 people take the time to turn up so thanks to all those that did. We had a few issues but I ran some more tests today […]

UPDATE: Video transcript available for ‘Googlee Blues’. Well that was interesting. I did the show live on periscope yesterday afternoon and recorded it. I also took the opportunity to complete a dare that I was challenged to back in May by Sean Callanan of SportsGeek & Beers Blokes & Business fame. So apologies for the song […]

I’ve just finished listening to the Darren Rowse podcast series 31 days to a better blog. A few years back I bought the book and it was great to have it as a podcast though, as I could used the normally wasted commuting time to learn a few things.  One of the things I’ve decided to do […]

UPDATE: Video transcript available for ‘SEO Speed Humps’ I’ve been back “on the tools” recently as I record our Bloggers SEO System.  I’m working on a bunch of different sites to demonstrate how to configure wordpress for the best possible ranking as well as write content that ranks well. Yesterday I was recording a module […]

UPDATE: Video transcript available for ‘Where Most SEO Goes Wrong’ I had a lot of questions last week about the 30 minutes work that was done to get our client on the front page. It wasn’t some sort of magic SEO sauce or a dastardly deception to trick Google. It was far more mundane than […]

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