SEO Blog

UPDATE: Video transcript available for ‘How I Built A Successful YouTube Channel – Russ Gries’. Finally caught up with a bloke today that I’ve known for years but I we have never met in person. I consider this guy a genius but he would probably cringe at that. In the alternate energy world this guy […]

UPDATE: Video transcript available for ‘A Buyer Persona Most Neglected’. I did the show live from Hawaii yesterday. We hit over 200 people in the live audience across Meerkat, Periscope and the web. We had a discussion before I started recording about what to cover. The subject came up about backlinks.. groan. Don’t get me […]

UPDATE: Video transcript available for ‘Has your SEO been done by a monkey with a hammer?’. I look at a lot of websites over the course of a week. Usually all of them have had some “SEO” done on them in the past and a lot of money spent. Occasionally you’ll look at the SEO […]

It was a lot of fun last week when I did the weekly show live as promised on Periscope, Twitter’s live video streaming platform.  I had just under 100 people take the time to turn up so thanks to all those that did. We had a few issues but I ran some more tests today […]

UPDATE: Video transcript available for ‘Googlee Blues’. Well that was interesting. I did the show live on periscope yesterday afternoon and recorded it. I also took the opportunity to complete a dare that I was challenged to back in May by Sean Callanan of SportsGeek & Beers Blokes & Business fame. So apologies for the song […]

I’ve just finished listening to the Darren Rowse podcast series 31 days to a better blog. A few years back I bought the book and it was great to have it as a podcast though, as I could used the normally wasted commuting time to learn a few things.  One of the things I’ve decided to do […]

UPDATE: Video transcript available for ‘SEO Speed Humps’ I’ve been back “on the tools” recently as I record our Bloggers SEO System.  I’m working on a bunch of different sites to demonstrate how to configure wordpress for the best possible ranking as well as write content that ranks well. Yesterday I was recording a module […]

UPDATE: Video transcript available for ‘Where Most SEO Goes Wrong’ I had a lot of questions last week about the 30 minutes work that was done to get our client on the front page. It wasn’t some sort of magic SEO sauce or a dastardly deception to trick Google. It was far more mundane than […]

UPDATE: Video transcript available for ’30 minutes SEO To Get On Page 1′ A few weeks back I wrote on post about cheap SEO vs Good SEO. A former client had spent over $12,000 with another SEO company and when I looked at what they had I could find nothing that I would describe as […]

UPDATE: Video transcript available for ‘Are You Using Facebook, Adwords & SEO like this?’ Had a great day yesterday. Whilst talking with clients they will often say thanks, it’s rare though to get two in one day to take the time to analyse their bottom line and then make contact with me and say thank […]

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