UPDATE: Video transcript available for ‘SEO & WordPress Permalinks’. I’m nearing the completion of our BloggersSEO System and I wanted to share an easy win with you, that I had this week and how it has managed to double the traffic of one blogger . We always pay attention to Search Engine Friendly URLs but […]
After I’d recorded last week’s regular show we found a client received a parting gift from the former SEO. They’d implanted hidden code into the site that had the effect of removing their site from Google. Pretty nasty. I’ve documented it here and part 2 here. Then on Monday we found that arguably one of […]
This is a follow up on a post from a couple of days ago and also my SEO Tools post. We discovered that a client’s former SEO company had hidden code within the site, that had the effect of removing them from Google. Today I’ve followed up on this story as I wanted to find […]
Well this is disturbing. We just found a new client’s old SEO agency left a hidden parting gift. A nasty little piece of code that added the noindex tag to every page of the site. The effect of this is to have the site removed from the Google index. We knew that every page on […]
UPDATE: Video transcript available for ‘SEO Tools Part 2’. This is a follow up post from SEO Tools Part 1 . Today’s tool is actually a tool within a tool. Google Search Console / Search Analytics is something I don’t hear get talked about a lot but it’s invaluable for discovering new keyword opportunities. As part […]
UPDATE: Video transcript available for ‘4 steps to eradicating SEO noise’. A few weeks back I showed you a couple of tweaks to climb the rankings. About ten days after I implemented those we went to no.2 for our phrase, up from no.6. Still not no.1 though.. so close. I did another review not looking at […]
UPDATE: Video transcript available for ‘SEO Tools Part 1’. Something I constantly get asked about in my vids is “What tool is that you’re using?” I try out lots of different SEO tools all the time so I thought I’d do a series on the tools I use. This week I take a look at […]
UPDATE: Video transcript available for ‘Ad Blockers & Ad Targeting’. Back in 1990 just before I discovered the Internet, I was selling newspaper advertising. I’d already got into computers a few years earlier with my trusty Spectravideo SV318. I worked for a newspaper called The Melbourne Times and I used to look after all the […]
UPDATE: Video transcript available for ‘2 SEO Tweaks To Get The Edge’. Well this week marks my 10 years of doing the weekly SEO show. Over 500 episodes and 250,000 views. Thank you for watching and sharing. I really do appreciate it. This week I wanted to share a couple of techniques I use when […]
UPDATE: Video transcript available for ‘SEO Site Upgrade: 7 questions for your webmaster’. Most web developers at best don’t do SEO, at worst it’s not even on their radar. I am constantly talking to business owners who are scratching their heads trying to work out why their rankings disappeared when they pushed their new sites […]