Bing? What? Stay with me. When I read this article about Google reading my emails I had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Sure I’d always suspected it but against my better judgement I went with the cloud email a couple of years back. It made me stop and think how much Google is part of my everyday life. Email, Calendar, Search, Social, Navigation, Video Entertainment and they require me to login to all of those services and they now reveal that I have no right to privacy if I am using their services. That had me yearning for a competitor.
Hopeful of some competition to the big G I wrote an article over at about Siri & Bing. That got me looking closer at Bing search results. They suck generally. A lot of spam filled nonsense really. However they can teach us something about Google before the last Penguin, Panda & Phantom updates.
Because Bing’s results practically mirrored Google’s results before the latest updates it’s like looking at a Google before and after picture.
What’s still there and what has disappeared? In the case of the search above we can see that the ANZ has gone but creditcardfinder remains. When we have a quick look at the ANZ backlinks we see this.
Quite possibly those ANZ pages have disappeared for unnatural linking but just for the phrase “credit cards”
Remember our “seo consultant Melbourne” ranking posts? Check out the Bing results.
Stop backlinking and focus on your content.. oh yeah and pray for Bing to whatever deity you think may be able to help. Do you use Bing for anything?
Jim’s been here for a while, you know who he is.