2 SEO Elements To Check Weekly

by Jim September 16, 2015

UPDATE: Video transcript available for ‘2 SEO Elements To Check Weekly’.

Check Your Rankings

When I got back from holidays, one of the sites I had been working on for our BloggersSEO product had dropped like a rock for one of it’s phrases. For our normal clients the rankings get checked daily but this site was outside that process. As soon as I saw that the rankings had dropped I did and index check and noticed the page title on the ranking page had changed. Then I had a look at the site and they had changed the whole theme and inadvertently, my SEO changes along with it.

SEO Ranking Drop & Fix
SEO Ranking Drop & Fix

Within hours of adding my SEO changes back their rankings returned. The graph above told me that things began to go awry on the 25th of August. This is why we do daily monitoring. It’s easier to roll something back that was done yesterday than look for something that was done last week.

Check The Index

Another client’s rankings dropped overnight which instigated the application of what we call our “First Aid Protocol”. Basically it’s a series of steps to identify a ranking drop cause. One of the first things we check is the index. This client had gone from 60 pages indexed to 6000 overnight. That is an odd behaviour. It turned out they had been hacked and had other sites injected into them. Similar to the hacks I’ve reported on in the past. `Overnight the site had become extremely low quality and noisy so it’s rankings dropped.

Checking these two measurements regularly will alert you to major problems that need to be addressed quickly.

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