SEO Blog

Google Instant launched last week and there has been a lot of complete nonsense written about it (some good stuff too though). If you haven’t tried it yet, go to and take it for a spin. I find it quite interesting to see some of the results. A lot of the stories that came […]

Matt Cutts is Google’s senior engineer who fights spam in the Google index. He is the guy that weilds the dreaded "Google Slap" . We were noticing some weird stuff happening on Google’s side this week though. The bot was deliberately going to parts of our site that we told it not to. I guess […]

This week we examine Google insights to see what Aussies are thinking about their election, review a viewers site and I pick up 2663 backlinks in a week 🙂 JimJim’s been here for a while, you know who he is.

I Just got back from an amazing week’s holiday in NZ. I know I usually bring the show to you no matter where I am in the world but last Wednesday I was without bandwidth. I’m ok now though 🙂 I take a look at two sites today. One a viewer review and another is […]

In keeping with seeing how fast Google Caffeine can rank content, today I have a look at Ustream, a free live webcast service. I wanted to see how fast I could get the title of the webcast ranking in Google. As it is live & Google is trying to index content as soon as it […]

Are you having fun with Google Caffeine? What’s the fastest you’ve ranked for a phrase? I did another video on Monday where I had some Caffeine retention issues (WARNING: explicit language) but despite my hand/eye co-ordination challenges, the post still went to no.1 in a couple of minutes. Today I try a slightly more competitive […]

Last week I was impressed that a post got on the front page of Google within 30 mins of publishing. Today in a live demo, I write a blog post and get it to no.1 in under 2 1/2 minutes. Are you blogging yet? Google today also launched its Australia Votes site. It did something […]

jim boot is what the guys over at are trying to rank for because we went to no.1 for this post for the phrase Alex Hallett. It will be interesting to see if Google caffeine indexes this Joomla blog as fast as the wordpress site. JimJim’s been here for a while, you know […]

We’ve all heard that the Google Caffeine update was all about indexing the web in real time. Well yesterday we watched it happen with a blog post I wrote. It appeared on the first page of Google within 30 mins of being published. However the speed of indexing seems to have a side effect of […]

Yesterday Jine & Joel, (not a vaudevillian act) two of our top rankers pointed out some blackhat going on in one of our clients keyword spaces. It turned out that 4 of the top 5 sites for this phrase were doing blackhat. Their pages were riddled with hidden keywords. How do you check if you’re […]

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