SEO Blog

Last week during an interview at SXSW, Google’s head of search spam Matt Cutts revealed that the search giant is set to unleash algorithm changes aimed at crippling websites in search results that “over optimise”. Uh oh. If your business is involved in spammy techniques that Google deems as over-optimisation, prepare for a slap down […]

How they can affect your SEO There was an excellent article by Seth Godin about last week’s viral events, two of which were videos. Today I take a look at the video. If you haven’t seen it I’ve embedded it below. It’s bloody funny and if you’re a bloke you’ll want to buy. SImple […]

Google made another 40 changes! I know what you’re thinking: “Again!?”. Fortunately the changes aren’t anything major and a few actually help our understanding of Google’s quest to provide context to search queries! Let’s take a look at the example I use in the video: The image search phrase ‘blue tits’ with no filtering provides […]

I was on the way home from central Victoria late last year for a family member’s whenwe took a detour off the main highway and decided to checkout the old gold mining town of Maldon. We had a late breakfast there and had a wander though the historic town. I hadn’t seen it since I […]

I’m hosting a webinar tomorrow on Video Marketing. Video has always been a compelling way to market products & services.. it’s what powers the TV industry right? Using online video for marketing is very different though. Sure you’re still conveying a message but the way you convey it, what you convey and how people find […]

In this week’s video I do a SEO site review for a viewer. The site is ranking pretty well already for a few phrases but not so well for the phrases that will bring the big traffic. In fact he is buying adwords for those ones. When I took a look at his competition in […]

Google Search Plus your World, which launched two weeks ago, isn’t nearly as bad as some of the headlines would have you believe. In fact it will one day be an invaluable tool for every business looking to improve their rankings. Here are some things you should be doing with Google+ to begin reaping the […]

Myths, Benefits & Next Steps In case you missed it Google made some major changes last week (seems I say that a lot eh?). We haven’t seen them roll out in AU yet but I got a chance to have a look at them & have a bit of a play. When they were launched […]

Google made a whopping 30 changes in December last year. While not all of them relate specifically to ranking, there are definite themes emerging. Today Google also started rolling out “Search plus your world“, a major change to the way Google formats and personalises results for it’s users. To make sure you’re ready for both […]

For the first week back of the new year I have a look at last years prediction that a lot of our online freedoms would be attacked by Governments around the world. Certainly that was proven to be true and continues. What we have seen in retaliation to those threats is a corresponding rise in […]

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