SEO Blog

This week we’re back to doing site reviews. Over the years we’ve done thousands of these and today I wanted to share the steps with you. In order to get to Melbourne, you need to know where you are now right? You can’t just hop in the car and say “take me to Melbourne”, well […]

I had the honour last night of meeting and listening to, Sir Tim Berners Lee. What a great Knight! One of the things he is passionate about is the Semantic Web. Google loves it too that’s why they publish rich snippets in the SERPs now. Special thanks to @joshrowe and @piawaugh We implement structured data […]

Think of SEO as finely tuned machine. Once it’s working well, “if aint broke, don’t fix it”. Over the weekend I got an email from a Melbourne client about one of their sites that was disappearing fast from Google. It wasn’t a site we were looking after but I had advised them on the SEO […]

This post is not a whinge or kicking of Telstra. I understood what I was getting into when I signed up with them. Personally though I find this story hysterical in a Kafkaesque kind of way. As I sit here at my desk with my phone headset on for the last hour, waiting patiently for […]

You know how I bang on incessantly about how important it is to have your Authorship setup? Well for some reason over the last week there has been a bunch of stories about “AuthorRank” and what a game changer it will be. Back 2011 I was saying how I thought authorship signals would eventually be […]

Google Adwords can be a confusing beast to tame. To those that have never used Google’s self-serve ad system before, getting started with a basic campaign build that works requires hours of learning, trial & error to get right. Perhaps the most important thing to understand about Google’s advertising products is that although they live […]

Google has a new feature (well new to me) Webmaster tools under “links to your site”.  There are a couple of new buttons.  If you click on the “Download Latest Links” you’ll get a file that shows you the links the bot has found in chronological order. In my case this file goes back to […]

We’re just about ready to wrap things up for the year and want to take the time to thank all of our followers for making 2012 the huge success it’s been. Thanks! Before we hit the lights though we thought we’d take a stroll down memory lane and link out to our most popular stories […]

Every morning I look at ranking reports of every client before I get out of bed. This morning was no different. Our reporting software AWR starts the run about midnight and is usually finished about 8 hours later. I start looking at the reports at around 6:30am depending if it’s my turn to give our […]

We’ve still got a few weeks until the year wraps up, but this week we thought we’d channel our inner-Nostradamus and predict what changes & updates Google will make in 2013. But before we can look ahead, we thought we’d take a look back at Google’s greatest hits of 2012 and recap anything important you […]

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