SEO Blog

We’ve been wrestling with a Magento indexing issue for a particular client of late. Solving it has been a major headache, but we think we’ve found the solution with the help of the new Google Search Console. What I learned • The new Google Search Console is a great tool for discovering index issues • […]

For people who work in SEO everyday it’s easy to forget what a complex and confusing topic it can be, especially for business owners with little previous experience in the world of search engine optimisation. When it comes to choosing an SEO agency, you need to consider that no business is identical and every business […]

I stated my intention to measure the results of my .AU campaign early in the piece. Well some interesting results have started to come in, results that enforce my belief that brand is a powerful marketing motivator. What I learned • Use the tools at your disposal to measure marketing efforts • Name and brand […]

With the slow release of a Mobile First Google gaining momentum by the week, I thought I’d help clear up a major point of confusion that I’ve seen floating around. There will not be two separate indexes, only the one, but there are other issues you can clear up for a smoother transition. What I […]

Still fighting the good fight against .AU this week with an appearance on ABC TV news and a big helping hand from my friends at Retail Global. Also launched my comeback on the podcast scene with my new “Brand Builders” show that explores how people have built their brands. What I learned How brand can […]

Screaming Frog has been my first choice SEO tool for a while now. It has the power to uncover almost all potential issues with your site for improved analysis. It is important to improve website health by finding problems and fixing them before optimising other areas of your site. Let’s see how Screaming Frog helps […]

My concerted effort to reveal the .au domain proposal for the sham that it is has begun to spread to all corners with the issue being raised in Federal Parliament last week. It will also be featured on ABC TV tonight, which has sparked outrage from the trolls who accuse me of using the issue […]

If you have not used SEMrush, then you should get on to it! It really is a great tool to help you in your digital campaign, but you have to use it correctly. Many times I see clients get stuck in the loop of using SEMrush to just find out more on their competitors. “What […]

Just because you keep saying multi-stakeholder doesn’t mean it is. Senator, I refer to the attached correspondence from your office received from one of our viewers. auDA – Policy Review I quote “In September 2107, auDA established a multi-stakeholder advisory panel” . The very first order of business for this panel was to become “multi-stakeholder” by […]

At least a few times a year there’s a heated debate that starts a little like this: “We’re ranked #1 for our brand, why would we spend money on Google for it if we’re already there?” Sure, that makes sense on the surface. Right? Unfortunately, it’s not so simple – there’s a little more to […]

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