Beers Blokes & Business

by Jim October 1, 2013

I was asked a few months back to take part in a new podcast called Beers Blokes & Business. It is the Beer child of Sean Callanan aka @sportsgeek. The basic premise of the show is a bunch of blokes talking business while sampling some fine amber ale. I’ve only contributed to a few episodes so far but it has been a lot of fun and I’ve learned a few things along the way. It’s a pretty relaxed podcast and the aim for it’s length is about the time for an average commute so you can listen to it on your way to work. I’ve been involved in a lot of online shows over the years, The Internet Old Boys was my first, The F Word which was a film review show (got to interview Sean William Scott #bragging rights), The Netboat which was the world’s first online comedy series, my own weekly video and now BBB. BBB out of all the shows I can honestly say contains the most beer… the others were mainly shiraz.

Some Beer from Beer Blokes Business
Some Beer from Beer Blokes Business

The Beer

At the start of each recording we introduce the beer we are sampling for the night and what our thoughts are on the amber liquid. OUr recording recently a listener sent in some home brew (above)

The Blokes

Sean Callanan @Sportsgeek – has a family song so he can remember how to spell his name – true story.

Scott Kilmartin @scottkilmartin – former owner of Haul and current owner of @gusthedog

Josh Rowe @joshrowe – trust me you’ve seen his selfie.

Steve Vallas @thehoneybar – owner of the sensational Honey Bar in South Melbourne.

Steve Sammartino – online raconteur most famously known for his Startup blog and the Super Awesome Micro Project

Luke McCormack – Smart guy from and funny as hell

James Noble – Founder of Carter Digital a Melbourne Digital Agency that makes truly beautiful websites

The Business

So far we have been bantering about the following.

We’re 7 episodes in so far so get on board.


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