SEO Blog

One of our guys Daniel Laidler, put me onto a curious post by Enrico Altavilla about using a combination of site: search and the “time”. If you are a geek like me, it is quite addictive. I’ve been messing with it for quite some time now. I thought I’d write this post to check out a […]

If you are a bricks and mortar business and rely on what some people used to call Google Maps, Google+ Local or Google places, you may want to forget about putting any effort into a Google+ Page for your business. If local search is a driver of traffic to your business then you are better […]

I’m doing another review this week but I don’t have access to Google Webmaster tools for this website. Quite we’ll get a client who has the same issue. They’re scared of the power their web developer wields and are afraid to ask them for access in case as they don’t want to have the confrontation. […]

This week I take a look at a mate’s site. Sean Callanan of SportsGeek. There are some common SEO issues that I’m seeing in Sean’s site that I see on a lot of sites and in our experience when you fix these things you get a good bump in rankings. 1. Check your sitemap entry […]

In case you missed it, a couple of weeks ago Google released another major Panda update. If you’re new here Panda is the code name given to an algorithm update that focuses on “quality” issues. I use the term quality loosely as it is what Google is deciding as quality not what you or I […]

It wasn’t that long ago that google was telling us we should use a sub domain for our mobile sites. Here’s Matt Cutts banging on about the benefits of using m dot for the mobile version of your site. Then about a year later they began saying we’d prefer it if you used responsive design […]

I tell this method to people a lot but they never do it. I don’t know whether they think it sounds too easy so they don’t try it but if I want to rank for a difficult phrase this is how I do it. These steps presuppose that you don’t have other horrible things wrong […]

I’m up here at the Pesa 2014 conference delivering the SEO workshop. We have 24 people in today so it should be interesting getting through everyone’s questions . I’m still changing and updating the SEO presentation as I type. So much to get for reatilers in the light of recent Panda updates. I’m writing this […]

So in case you haven’t heard there was another Google Panda update last week. The Panda updates are all about “quality”. I’m using quotation marks here as quality is a subjective thing unless you’re an algorithm. As Sugarrae points out in her post this week , a lot of businesses were caught up this week […]

SEO is not hard. Let me rephrase that, SEO is not that hard once you have a feel for it. Like most things , the more you do it, the better you get at it. Of course there are situations where SEO can become complicated because of the platform you are using but for the […]

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