SEO Blog

In last week’s post I mentioned that it felt like there had been a Panda update as well as a Penguin one. From the data we are looking at it, it looks like Panda hit Australia last Sunday the 19th. We have several clients that experienced really good jumps across the board with rankings pre […]

Yesterday it was a flurry of activity in the office. In the morning I was off at the ATSA2014 conference on behalf of MYOB & The Savvy Accountant podcast series which I host. When I got back into my car to head back to the office my phone was buzzing with messages. Google had announced […]

Bigcommerce made some SEO “improvements” back in June. Problem is they actually had some very negative SEO impacts. Thanks to “Dylan” who saw one of my posts on Twitter. He forwarded me their newsletter from June where they discuss their improvements and also have a free SEO eBook. For an ecommerce platform, their SEO ebook […]

Last Wednesday it was reported that long time SEO “ranking” or “awards” company was absolutely smashed by Google and removed from the index. According to the story over at Searchengineland Top SEOs has being using a couple of domains since their deindexing by Google including and As you will see from today’s video […]

Even though you are not using three of them. Several weeks back we brought you the story of setting up HTTPS for a ranking boost. In that video and accompanyingblog post I take you through the steps. This week Google has started sending messages in webmaster tools about setting up all the different versions of […]

Last Friday Pierre Far of Google announced on G+ that there had been a Panda update to the algorithm. For those playing along at home this would be update 4.1 . Whilst I have seen some reports of ranking devastation for the most part I have not seen anything like this in Australian results. Some local […]

I get asked a lot about the SEO benefits of having multiple domain names with keywords in them. There is no benefit to having multiple domains pointed at one site. In fact if it’s done without the right redirects it will hurt your rankings. There is however benefit still in having an exact match domain […]

Well that was fascinating. The post I wrote yesterday afternoon has resulted in in a 3 spot bump for SEO Consultant Melbourne plus a 1 spot bump for SEO consultant. Taking a closer look at the results for SEO Consultant Melbourne reveals some strange rankings. For instance there is a Linkedin profile. On closer inspection […]

You may remember about 14 months ago I wrote a series of articles about getting ranked for the phrase SEO Consultant Melbourne. I got the page to no.1 very quickly and then subsequently we went to no.1 for SEO Consultant as well. Since then I have done nothing on the phrases and just recently we […]

First of all I just want to apologise in advance to anyone involved in the site or the organisation behind ACCAN (Australian Communications Consumer Action Network). Their site was pointed out to me by know trouble maker and journalist, Paul Wallbank. He posted the link on Facebook last night after I had already recorded […]

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