Welcome back Rankers! I’m back from India where I had a wonderful time. Jim’s travel tip: If you ever get the chance to visit a place called Fort Kochi in India, go. It was simply awesome. Hello to all my friends over there. So on the flight home I was sitting next to a […]
Welcome back Rankers! I’m sitting here in Chennai, India, all dressed up in my wedding outfit which I’ll be in trouble for wearing early if I get caught. We’re over here to attend the wedding of one of our team, Vandi. It’s a wonderful place and we’ve seen so much already, we’re having a ball […]
Hi all. Last show from Melbourne, as I’ll be away next week. If all goes well I’ll be coming to you from sunny Chennai in India. Fairly confident I won’t be subjected to any of the torrential rain we’ve had here this morning. I talked a little last year about featured answers and wanted to […]
One problem we encounter a lot with new clients is their lack of presence in local search aka Google Places. Mostly this is because business owners lack of understanding when it comes to claiming their listings in Google My Business. Occasionally though it’s because of a mismatch with Google data and your real physical address. […]
Thanks Google Google has some awesome products, no argument. Occasionally though they are institutionally stupid with some of them. I think it’s because they are sooo very big now. We have a client on Princes highway in Clayton Victoria. The Princes Highway in that part of Victoria is also called Dandenong Road. If you Google […]
Newsflash people. Another update from Google is coming. The workers in Google’s update division must be the hardest workers in the company! So it’s a mobile update this time. Now regular followers of my blogs and videos will know that we had a massive update from Google last year, April 21st if memory serves, and […]
Google’s sniper scope was on the prowl again last week, and like any good assassin their target was chosen with little fanfare. There was a minor announcement by Google last Friday, picked up by a few news search sites but had little publicity elsewhere. Product Review Bloggers Google have issued a warning to bloggers. The […]
Still no arrival of the Penguin, boys and girls. There was a SMX conference last week where Gary Illyes was presenting. In reference to Penguin, he stated that he wasn’t willing to offer a further date for Penguin as he’d been wrong on every other occasion. If the spokesman for Google is unsure, what hope […]
Okay, confession time first. There’s still no sign of the Penguin. Turns out that what I, and the team here in general, were seeing, was a change in Google’s local search. Our localised results had changed, but we have noticed it for clients in other regions around town. Just keep an eye on your traffic. […]
UPDATE: Video transcript available for ‘An SEO Penguin like update’. A couple of major things to cover off today. The first is a story that is hot off the press. You may have noticed in your recent Google searches that all the ads that were normally down the right hand side of the page have […]