SEO Blog

TRANSCRIPT Welcome back, Rankers! Another announcement from Google at the end of last week. If you are using interstitial ads, pop-ups, those sorts of things. I’ll show you what I mean below. It’s from a search I’ve done for Google interstitials on mobile. If I go to this story that was published by Search Engine […]

TRANSCRIPT Welcome back Rankers! If you remember from last week’s video we covered a project called ‘yvprojects’ and we did a site: search and had no results. Now the full site has been indexed, because Yvonne went and did exactly as I suggested and the result is that the site is finally indexed. Looking at […]

Welcome back Rankers! Hope you’re having a good week. It looks like spring is finally here. Yay! I received an email from Mike SEO this week, which I wanted to go over. It was a wonderfully written piece, worthy of any publication, and this is what Mike SEO had to say, Now Mike, the smooth […]

TRANSCRIPT: Welcome back Rankers! I want to show you something this week that can be a little frustrating, especially when trying to explain it to clients. Much of the work we do here means having to wait for Google to catch up with us once we’ve completed a job. We have to go in everyday […]

Welcome back Rankers! I’m going to talk today about a question that I get asked a lot. “What’s the best eCommerce platform for SEO?” It is a difficult question to answer depending on what is important to you from an SEO perspective. What I’ll do is take you through some of the things we look at, […]

Welcome back Rankers! Still buzzing about officially being made a Google Premier Partner this week. Nothing to do with SEO; it’s all down to the great work of our AdWords team. So if you need your Adwords looked after by a Google Premier Partner. Just saying. Now last week we had the SEMrush pizza Thursday, […]

Part of SEO is making sure that what Google sees, is exactly what you want it to see. Nothing more nothing less. Lots of sites though, especially Government ones, let Google into see everything. As you will see in today’s show there is least one file I found that, the Victorian Government expressly said they […]

In last week’s show I pointed out how we had received fake pretty nasty reviews and asked you if could leave a nice one. Many of you did so thanks. This is a big problem for a lot of businesses and I have seen this many times over the years. Competitors leaving fake reviews and […]

Google announced recently that they are going to start alerts for site owners whose sites have been compromised by spam. Essentially this means sites that have been hacked and are being used by third parties to either, hijack your traffic or use your site to promote their other sites through backlinks.  I first reported on this […]

You may have heard the story recently that “Technical SEO” is just make up.  Anyway a bad article that is generating a lot of backlinks for Search Engine Land from outraged SEOs around the globe. Danny Sullivan the publisher of Search Engine Land admitted last week at SMX Seattle that they thought the article would generate […]

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